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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sponge Absorbs 180 Times Its Own Weight in Toxic Sludge

Chinese researchers have used adapted nanotechnology into carbon nano tubules which yield promising possibilities in the environmental sector. Designed as 99% porous, . these tubules are also hydrophobic; they will absorb anything but water. According to professor Anyuan Cao at Peking University, one of China's largest institutions, the nanotubules can also be used
"as filters, membranes, or absorbents to remove bacteria or contaminants from liquid or gas. They could also be used as noise-absorption layers in houses, and soldiers might benefit by using these sponges in impact energy absorbing components while adding little weight. Thermally insulated clothing is also possible."

Read the full story here or here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grand Canyon Ntl. Park bends to Coca Cola

Weary of plastic litter, Grand Canyon National Park officials were in the final stages of imposing a ban on the sale of disposable water bottles in the Grand Canyon late last year when the nation’s parks chief abruptly blocked the plan after conversations with Coca-Cola, a major donor to the National Park Foundation.
- New York Times

Stephen P. Martin, the architect of the plan and the top parks official at the Grand Canyon, said his superiors told him two weeks before its Jan. 1 start date that Coca-Cola, which distributes water under the Dasani brand and has donated more than $13 million to the parks, had registered its concerns about the bottle ban through the foundation, and that the project was being tabled. His account was confirmed by park, foundation and company officials.

An online petition has been created from this process, aiming to receive 50,000 signatures to protest Coca Cola's influence on the natural parks. Already reaching 39,199 signatures as of Tuesday, November 22, PLEASE SIGN HERE

Read the NYTimes article.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Life in Africa has many challenges: from disease to poverty and war. The continent also has a reputation for extreme difficulties that are fixable, but a lack of resources often prevents the problems from being solved.This is where resourcefulness comes into play: if you don’t have what you need make do with what you already have. A surplus of empty plastic bottles is something that not only affects Africa, but the entire planet.

(Read More)

Africa's Western Black Rhino declared extinct

According to the world's conservation records, Africa's Western Black Rhino has been declared extinct. Other animals in Africa, such as gazelles, cheetahs, and African elephants are also endangered and on the verge of extinction. Check out wwf.org to see what you can do to help these innocent creatures.

Read more about the extinction of the Western Black Rhino HERE or HERE

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Science behind new developments in free energy!

The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation

Justin Hall-Tipping CEO of "Nanoholdings" Explains how nanotechnology is set to change the future of energy and replace fossil and nuclear fuels

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Air Pollution: Bad For Health, But Good For Planet? (NPR)

LISTEN to the whole story here

Emerging studies on a very pressing issue today: global warming. As NPR reports,
"Cleaning up the air, while good for our lungs, could make global warming worse. That conclusion is underscored by a new study, which looks at the pollutants that go up smokestacks along with carbon dioxide."

There are new studies which show that reducing pollutants may actually hurt efforts in reducing global warming. Specifically, aerosols, which although make humans sick, also add nutrients to the environment and cool the atmosphere by increasing the CO2 absorbed by Earth.

Listen to the full story HERE